World Health Day 2017

Today is World Health Day :)
Depression has become the leading cause of health-related problems worldwide. Here are a few ways to overcome depression.
Socializing is Key
Withdrawing from life reduces the vibe you have with your friends and family. It makes you feel alone in the world. Socializing is a key factor in fighting against depression.
Active Body Healthy Mind
Make sure you follow a workout regime for at least 20 minutes a day. An active body keeps your mind fresh and ready to take on the day.
Face Your Fears
Fight your fears face to face. Never lose confidence in your abilities and capacity to do anything. Facing the problem means 50% victory most of the time.
Alcohol + Depression= Bad Combination
Alcohol does not solve problems; they only make things worse. They might give you a temporary ease but come back with a blow later.
Clock Work Helps
Even the word routine might sound boring, but it is a key to most of your problems. A proper sleeping pattern and 3 to 4 planned healthy meals a day can play wonders with your mood.
Professional Help Matters
If you still do not feel you are back to normal, it is already time to get professional help.
Follow the link to speak about your problems, with a professional online –> CLICK HERE