When to Not Eat Papaya?

When to Not Eat Papaya?

There is no fruit salad that does not have papaya in it. With its attractive color, papaya is undoubtedly a favorite fruit of many. Papaya is a fruit rich in antioxidants, which helps fight disease and makes you look young. As such, papaya has a number of health benefits, including antibacterial and antifungal properties. Is that all papaya has? No!! In addition, it also has a few unpleasant properties. Have a look at the risks of eating papaya.


1. Reduces Blood Sugar


Few might think that all fruits contain sugar and should be avoided by people with diabetes. Papaya is a good fruit of choice in people with diabetes because of its average glycemic index. It also possesses a hypoglycemic effect and thereby reduces the level of blood sugar. The blood sugar regulation effect of papaya is attributed to the presence of flavonoids, which act as antioxidants. Be cautious while taking papaya if you have diabetes and are under anti-diabetic drugs. Eating papaya along with anti-diabetic medications can lower your blood sugar level and make you hypoglycemic.

2. Risk of Abortion


Despite its health benefits, papaya as a whole causes a lot of risk in pregnancy. The seeds and roots of papaya increase the risk of abortion. In addition, unripe papaya causes uterine contractions. Therefore, avoid taking papaya during pregnancy.

3. Fertility Risk


Seeds of papaya are known to cause fertility issues in men. Papaya affects fertility in men by lowering the sperm count and influencing the motility of sperm.

4. Birth Defects


Papain, a component found in the leaves of papaya, is toxic in nature to the baby and may even cause birth defects. In terms of breastfeeding, the safety of papaya is not apparent. However, avoid taking papaya during or after pregnancy for a few months to avoid complications.

5. Digestive Problems


Any food taken in excess has some ill effects. Similarly, although papaya has a lot of beneficial properties, if consumed too much, it can cause loose motions and flatulence.

6. Allergy


In some people, an allergic reaction is induced after consuming unripe papaya. Avoid taking raw papaya if you have developed a previous allergy, or check for sensitivity before consuming it.

Papaya has its own advantages and disadvantages. It should be consumed with caution, especially by diabetic people. Avoid taking papaya while you are planning for pregnancy; it includes both men and women. Also, avoid consuming papaya while you are pregnant or at least a few months after pregnancy. Everything within the limit is acceptable and beneficial.


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