Wear Your Heart on a Red Sleeve This February

Cheers, let us get together and have our eyes rolling on ‘red’; it is the time of the year to pledge for better health. From real landmarks to virtual communities, February, being American Heart Month, unites people from all over the world to strive for a common goal: create awareness to eliminate heart disease.
1. Join the Bandwagon and Let Your Heart Beat Better!
The history of American Heart Month dates back to 1963 when the government then, by a joint resolution, requested the President to designate February to raise awareness and remember those who lost their lives to heart diseases. However, in the last decade, heart diseases amongst youngsters have increased beyond imagination. Cardiac diseases like hypertension, unstable angina, and sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) are seen in young people too. Stay hooked to know more.
2. Youngsters: Do Not Let Your Heart Get Carried Away!
In the quest of chasing your dreams, youngsters, understand that your heart loves to be young too, just like you! Do not deprive your heart of its innocent childhood. Staying glued to your phones and screens also means being stuck in your comfort zones. Being overweight, obesity, type 2 diabetes, smoking, and bad cholesterol share their contribution towards developing heart disease. In the luxurious comforts the technology offers, forget not to stretch a little! It can help keep lifestyle diseases like diabetes and hypertension at bay. Take care of your heart, and do not let it fall apart.
3. Let Your Heart Break up With Stress
Taking care of your heart needs minimal effort. The daunting task is that it demands consistency. Dedicate thirty minutes every day to your heart’s health. Cover those kilometers because your heart matters. Walk and run in the mornings and get some Vitamin D. Feed your heart with foliage. Eating leafy green and cruciferous vegetables can reduce the risk of heart disease, helping the heart to pump happy blood. Remember that a good and well-balanced diet catalyzes cardiovascular health. Finally, work on your sleep and work out to sleep! Get ample sleep of six to eight hours every day. Having a night routine is like the cherry on top of the cake.
4. Own the Eyes of an Eagle
Watch out for “warning signs.” These can be trivial and may go unnoticed. So keep your eyes on unexplained fainting (syncope), shortness of breath, or chest pain. Always let your doctor know if you have a family history of heart disease. It is recommended you get a screening done by your doctor if you find yourself having these symptoms.
5. Wear Your Heart on Your Sleeve: Dress in Red
Red is the color dedicated to National Wear Red Day. There is light at the end of the tunnel. So why delay? Put your red clothes and lipstick on. Let us help hearts beat better because losing even one life to cardiovascular disease is too many. Do not take it easy; it is a matter of your heart!
Start slow. Take it one day at a time. It is those tiny steps that you take toward health that dictate the quality of your life. Worry not; even if heart disease is a leading cause of death in the United States, research has proven that taking even thirty minutes daily to work out can help your heart long-term. Wait, you need not hit the gym right away; just start by jumping the rope today.