Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated

Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated

COVID vaccines have brought out a sense of hope among many. But, the efficacy and safety of vaccines is still a probing question of few. This, in turn, has made few people turn their heads against vaccinations. Immense respect if you have already been vaccinated! But do remember you have the vital responsibility of educating others. Or are you in the dilemma of getting a COVID vaccine? Read the blog because we have sorted out the benefits of getting one.


1) Reduce Disease Severity


Have you been postponing vaccination, saying that they are not effective? As you have heard in every streaming news channel, COVID vaccines can reduce the risk of developing serious illnesses. If you happen to contract COVID even after getting the vaccines, the chances of you getting a severe infection that might require hospitalization will be significantly reduced. Do get your vaccine shots and save yourself from serious complications that can occur with COVID-19.

2) Reduce Infection Risk


Is “COVID vaccine cannot protect from getting an infection” the mantra behind skipping your vaccination schedule? If yes, please do have a change of mind. COVID vaccines cannot solely prevent you from catching an infection, but they can reduce your risk of getting one. Also, remember that herd immunity develops when an increased population gets vaccinated. By this, you do good for yourselves and contribute to society’s well-being. For the sake of the society you live in, get your vaccines with no further delay.

3) Generate Antibodies in Newborn


Are you excusing yourself from vaccination because you are pregnant or are trying for pregnancy? It is high time you opt-out of it. According to recent studies, vaccination not only protects you but also safeguards your newborn. With not so many vaccines available for the children, getting the vaccination during gestation can make your child immune by passing on the COVID antibodies. Step out and get your vaccine jabs for your unborn child’s well-being!

4) Resume Normal Activities


Every government has been stressing the need for vaccination by issuing ordinances that only fully vaccinated people can come out to continue their day-to-day activities. Why stick to your homes when you have the key to kick start your daily routines? Receive your vaccinations, follow the adequate preventive guidelines, and resume your daily activities.

5) Protect Your Beloved Ones


COVID-19 has not spared anyone from the anxiety of protecting their beloved ones. There are two things to this. Getting your loved ones vaccinated can prevent them from acquiring severe infections. If they are not eligible to get a vaccination, getting one yourself and following precautionary measures will help reduce the risk of disease contraction and prevent severity.

The benefits of vaccination outweigh the risks. Therefore, do not avoid getting a vaccination by blindly sticking to the myths. Do it for society, even if you do not feel like doing it for yourself! Gear up and get your vaccination as soon as you can.

Content published on this website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical diagnosis, advice or treatment by a trained physician. Seek information from your physician or other qualified healthcare providers with questions you may have regarding your symptoms and medical condition for a complete medical diagnosis. Do not delay or disregard seeking professional medical advice because of something you have read on this website.