Unraveling - Xylazine: The One That Got Them Zombified

After a certain period of uncertainty, there is fresh intel on something that has been bothering the US citizens after watching their acquaintances wander like “zombies.” Something they expected only to watch on screens and never on their streets. To whoever, this is fresh news; long story short – So, a few days back, a bunch of people seemed to be walking and behaving very out of normal in broad daylight down the streets of the states, which left many people go – is that a zombie we are watching? Back in real-time – it has been identified that this zombie-like behavior is linked to addiction and overdose to a drug called Xylazine, which is the talk of the town and our blog.
1. Get (Just) Your Brain Acquainted With Tranq
Xylazine: Frequently called by the names Tranq, Tranq dope, and, very recently, mostly as the zombie drug, is an FDA-approved drug. Hold on, let us straighten this out first – approved? Yes, specifically for animal usage and not for their hoomans. It is well-known for its pain-killing, sedative, or muscle-relaxing properties and is better off staying at a vet’s kit.
2. Why, Out of a Sudden, Is Tranq Getting This Hype?
Drug addictions are amongst the worst kinds to have and recover from. Amplified pain to this is what we are dealing with currently. A few drug-dealing dudes have added Xylazine for that extra kick to their Heroin, Cocaine, and Fentanyl. This has negatively affected those consumed, to the level they lose their body part to amputation. The saddest part is when you wean from its high – you crave even more – a craving that one can never control. Thus, putting more pennies in each dealer’s pocket to lose young lives with pay.
3. So, What Is the Real Scene?
Now that they have overdosed, what worse can one expect? One peculiar, not at all pleasing sign to one’s sight is that this drug has caused the zombified humans “raw wounds.” It digs in deep and spreads faster than it may seem. There is more to it. Sleepiness to a level where you do not know yourself anymore and respiratory distress that can never keep you calm even when there is no storm.
4. Okay, Now, How Do We Fix it?
With this drug overdose, seemingly, we are far from going back to normal, says reports. The worst case scenario being the commonly used overdose reversal drug Naloxone has blindly said “not this time” and rejected access to any progress. So, we still live with the uncertainty of “is there a going back”?
Xylazine has conquered a big crowd wanting just any kind of joy in life. The high it gives has pushed them so low to never get back up, along with paving the way for the ongoing drug epidemic. If you have not realized the intensity of the aftermath yet, be alarmed and put a stop when it is still on the cards.