To Breeze up Sunny Days!

Summer is not everybody’s thing; while it excites some, others get irky about this seasonal shift. Opinions set apart; any extreme climate will please none, and obviously, the summer heat is no joke. ‘Sweating it out’ needs no gym membership when the sun does it for you without a penny, Right? So rather than waiting to helloing winters, let us learn teeny tricks to see summer with a different eye this ‘22.
1) Aqua to the Rescue
Nature has a set antidote to every minor shift it suffers. In a drastic temperature shift towards the hot side, taking a sip of it cools you down a bit – this tagline is to our never-ending must-have; water. Though emphasized in plenty, water’s importance never hits unless thirsty. So the number one on our summer checklist is to hydrate, by drinking water, bottle after bottle, to never have a summer hustle.
2) Light Fabric, the Right Fabric
Summers also hit you differently with your fabric choice. A summer lookbook is always linens and cotton; nothing overboard, just light. Focus on comfort and sweat nullifying fabrics rather than taking a chance by exploring heavy fits. An add-on bonus tip to the fashionistas out there is to let your wardrobes speak lighter tones; an appropriate kinda summer style to handle the scorching heat.
3) Fight the Light; Setting Your Plate Light
A fun fact about summers is that our hunger levels take a downfall. This might wake your inner urge to lose weight, right? If so, Nah, this might sound easy but definitely not the right choice. Contrary to demanding less food, our body uses excess energy to compensate for the nutrients lost in sweat. So, eat right and light; light focuses on the food’s quality, not quantity. Also, make sure to add on water-boosting fruits and veggies to amp your body’s water levels.
4) Sunscreen the Skin’s Screen
Okay, let us talk beauty and the sun! The angry sun is our skin’s worst enemy. Mind you, they never really go hand in hand. This is where sunscreens make their way. The sun’s UV can be as harmful as making the skin – cancer positive. So, never neglect sunscreen; sunscreen every day keeps UV damage away.
5) To All the Summer Picnic Squads
Going out and having a good time is definitely the best, but doing it when the sun is at its worst paves chances for not-so-pleasing happenings. So, try minimizing day outs during peak summers. Let the rainy day savior, the umbrella, be your summer best friend on your day outs. Look out at the world through your home window; to lessen the sun’s touch and enjoy the air’s touch.
I agree that summer drains and demands a lot out of us; though hard to stick onto at times, these changes work the best for having a chill-pill summer. So take a try, and I promise you will thank me later!