To a World Outta Schedule!

Have you been competing with your clock daily? If so, I suggest you hold on, take ten and glimpse the life around you. If you see it vague, with, all and just work, stop right there: it is time for a recharge! We never realize how a workaholic we have been until it hits us hard one day! Before life hits us negatively, it is wise to take over and beat it back with a halt, out of the routine. Here is how you can set your rest-pause routine.
1) The Triple R’s
The primary threes to every pause routine are rest, rejuvenate and recoup! Quest your mind and body for what kinda mellow out they need; it can be of any kind; you name it, you do it; it will be all, and as a whole, your pick. And for your information, it does not have to be a fancy day-out or a trip off the bucket list; instead, it must be something of your comfort – not tiring, but chill. Sometimes putting your mind out to someone must be all you need. Follow your heart’s trail to attain your soul’s will!
2) The Unwind Companion
We are all unique; some voice their concerns with ease, but some can never really unwrap their minds, which is an absolute norm. Also, I will tell you that it is entirely alright to keep things to yourself, if only if you can handle it all solo. However, we, as humans, tend to require a companion at some point in life, right? A companion to pour our hearts out! To my introvert friends out there, this companion does not have to be your kind; it can be wild, moonlight, even your pet, or anything that brings your inner aura to a safe place. You only live once; why not step out of your comfort for a bit.
3) Unplug the Manmade
We, at present, are all coded by the digital world; agree or not agree, it is one-way harm to us; that we, at this point, can never escape. But it is okay to have a break out of it, once in a while at least, right? Are not peace-outs needed to piece us outta this digitalized us? So, do not hesitate but take time off from your all-day buddies – gadgets; unplug from digitals and connect yourself to – nature, the beauty! Let us get to our roots and be old-school from time to time.
4) The Long Lost: Self-Care!
We snooze out on quite a lot running on a clock. However, something that skips our focus each time is – our care, aka self-care. Recoup the young and wild you who enjoyed pampering. Going on a self-care date to the spa or a salon can make you feel a lot newer; I believe that is how you feel. If so, why waste your time? Schedule your next spa date asap!
It is not like you miss out on life things when you have a day or two doing nothing but being just you; it is okay not to feel put together all the time, it is okay to feel uncertain sometimes; all is okay – because, you will come out stronger and with the most in you! So, do not be scared to break off from your everyday clock: Just do it!