'Tis the Season

Name a better time of the year than one that teaches joy, peace, and love. The date might look different depending on what culture you follow, but the sentiment is the same. Nothing could possibly spread goodwill like the joy-peace-love triad. In the spirit of this sentimentality, we will touch on the festival that covers these three keys this time of the year – Christmas.
1. The Reason for the Season
Of course, the true story of Christmas is familiar to us all. But the ones that legend perpetuates mostly begin with the roly-poly man in red who somehow squeezes down your chimney. Your checklist for Santa’s arrival obviously begins with being good, but that is more of a year-round thing. So if you are only just turning over a new leaf, you should probably stick to the basics- cookies and milk. Or you could surprise him with some healthy snacks. Fruit slices and milk, perhaps. Your transgressions might just be forgiven. The great hair’s-breadth escape from coal in your stocking this year comes with a stipulation though. Be good next year?
2. Celebrations Yes, COVID No
Obviously, the whole appeal of the holiday season, apart from Christmas-themed songs, food, and the weather, has to be the gatherings. This is a time for family and friends to come together. Or party on a boat with suddenly-belligerent colleagues airing their dirty laundry. The possibilities are endless, but the possibility of harboring disease strains and ending the holiday on a depressing note is also high. The long and short of it is that familiar refrain – stay safe. Only the worst sort of Grinch would appreciate misery during this time, so if you are ill, stay home. Spread the word and the light, but definitely not the flu.
3. Joy to the World, the Food Has Come
Celebrations equal food. Lots of it. Obviously, the kind that gives you a weighing-scale nightmare, but it is so worth it. You cannot complain. So, this Christmas, break out the big guns. Eggnog, Christmas pudding, Yule logs, Christmas dinner with all the best meats – you have the entire world of food at your disposal. And yet… we hate to put a damper on your holiday spirits (literally and figuratively), but curbing the impulse to drown in a sea of drunken revelry and gluttony might just tamp down the inevitable shock factor. But not to worry, we got your backs with our healthy food suggestions – baked salmon, green beans, Brussels sprouts, air-fried turkey, cranberry sauce (rich in antioxidants), and roasted veggie salads. Give these a try, and thank us after you fall in gustatory love.
4. Give, Receive, Repeat
There are three types of gift-givers: the planners, the eleventh-hour maniacs, and the psychopaths. The planners do everything just right. They set the day and get the gift shopping, wrapping, and sending done on time. The eleventh-hour maniacs indulge in panicked rush-buying sprees. If you receive a pair of socks one year and perfume the next, it probably has nothing to do with you and everything to do with blind and hurried gift-picking. The psychopaths are essentially planners but with double the intensity. They start a few months in advance, so if you receive a Halloween-themed gift for Christmas, it probably came from a psychopath. If this has helped you identify what type you fall into, you are welcome. Send our gifts over already! For those who receive no gifts or are suffering from burnout, stress, or poor mental health, our thoughts are with you. And remember to be especially kind this season; you never know who might need it.
If your entire Christmas personality is grouchy Scrooge, we hope reading this changed your mind at least a little bit. If you are all about the happy vibe, we are excited for you to discover more joy, peace, and love this Xmas. Here is wishing you a merry, happy, food-laden Christmas!