Tips to protect your Child from “Blue Whale Challenge”

Not only the creators of the Blue Whale but there are several others waiting to influence and prey on your kids when they are in a susceptible state. The presence of such people in our society cannot be eliminated easily. Rather than trying to ban kids from using the Internet, the solution would be to make our presence felt in their life rather than the presence of such harmful influences.
Connect with your kids in a deeper emotional state. Ensure that you have a very important part in their day to day affairs. Make sure they consider you important enough to share what happens in their life(both online & offline). Enter your child’s life to understand him/her and do not force him/her into yours. Know what your child does online but do not let him/her feel his/her freedom is being taken away from him/her.
Stop trying to push your kid into a mould of the future you have designed for him/her. If you start worrying too much about your child, you will by default be transferring the pressure on him/her. Start trusting your child’s decisions and treat him/her as an independent individual. Give them enough space and time to be themselves. This will have a positive impact on their psychological health.
Raising your child to always be the good guy is never right. This can result in them having unresolved anger and lead to depression. Understand your child’s natural instincts and fine tune them in a way acceptable. You cannot always shield your child from the harsh realities of life. Teach them to make tough decisions from time to time.
As we are all aware, prevention is always better than cure. Even if you have the faintest doubt that your child is facing difficulties, act upon it immediately. Putting a stop to the problems at the root cause is always easier than dealing with it later. Any difference in the child’s behavior towards you or others could be a cry for help. Always look out for such signs.
Just like all the aspects of your physical health, food plays a major role in your mental health too. Missing out on essential nutrients could be a major reason for depression and anxiety. Though they are children, it is necessary to keep a check on their intake of sugar and processed carbs. Make sure that your children are aware of the fact that they are what they eat.
Keep a check on your child’s behavior without them noticing it. Know how your child usually responds to specific situations. If you see a pattern of changes in their usual behavior, it might be time to act. These changes might either mean they are simply adapting to situations better or it is becoming difficult for them to adapt to changes.
Always let your child know you will be there for them no matter what. Your child might not always express what he/she feels in the way you expect them to do it. Make sure your child is comfortable enough with you to share their problems and look for a solution together with you. When discipline is imposed too much, it will lead to your child keeping secrets from you.
Trying to limit or restrict your child’s internet usage is not a good idea. If you start doing so, the child might start thinking of a way around you. Just make sure you are aware of what he is using the internet for.
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