Tips for the Holiday Season During the Pandemic

With the winter holidays approaching amidst escalating COVID-19 cases, a small family gathering in your living room might seem to be the best way to reconnect with your friends and family. But the truth is, even a dinner party with a few family members who do not live in the same house as you can potentially expose you to SARS-CoV-2. While celebrating the holiday season, sticking to safety tips and precautionary measures might not be the ideal way. Still, it will keep you and your family members safe and healthy. The following safety recommendations will bring joy this season.

1) Get Innovative With Gift-Giving
Avoid going to crowded stores to buy your friends’ and relatives’ holiday gifts. If you must go, then go during odd times when the stores are less crowded. Even better, consider shopping online or call a nearby shop and get gifts delivered to you. You can also ask local shops to mail gift cards to your friends and family directly. Ordering your friends’ favorite meal or dessert in a nearby restaurant and getting it delivered to them or donating in your family members’ names are other great ideas. Your gifts need not be too expensive, but such creative and meaningful gifts will make this holiday season memorable.
2) Share Meals Remotely
In most families, holidays are celebrated by everyone sitting around a big table overflowing with tasty food. As it is not feasible this year, share your traditional recipes with your family members, and you can all enjoy a meal and have great conversations virtually. This way, everyone gets a chance to cook and share their experience through a video call. Though you all will not be physically in the same place, you can still enjoy this holiday season.
3) Find a New Hobby
For most of us, the year-end is all about traveling, partying, and catching up with friends and family. As we desperately try to control the spread of COVID-19 this year with precautionary steps, everyone’s patience will be tested. Instead of sulking at home, try to find a new hobby. Choose something you have always been passionate about. It can be some craft, or you can start a blog or vlog or volunteer remotely with NGOs.
4) Go Outside and Exercise
It has been difficult for most of us to stay physically active due to the psychological and physical impact of this pandemic. The most reliable way to keep yourself healthy and fit is by making exercise a daily priority, even during the holidays. After enjoying a heavy holiday meal, go for a long walk with your family. You can also consider playing football or any other outdoor games with your children.
5) Celebrate Responsibly
Avoid traveling to see relatives who are not a part of your household. If it is a must, do not use public transportation, wear masks, and adequately sanitize your hands whenever you get down in gas stations, rest stops, etc. Consider celebrating with people (family members or roommates) you live with. And if you decide to attend gatherings, maintain strict physical distancing and encourage the host to set up the event outdoors. Also, be sure that all the guests at the event are people who follow proper safety measures. Limit alcohol consumption, as binge drinking might make people overlook safety tips.