- Restaurant & fast food joints might provide you with a variety of options when it comes to taste.
- But most of the food you eat outside have a higher concentration of sodium and saturated fat.
- Larger portions might also increase your calorie intake.
- Here are some tips to help you make better choices while eating away from home.
Savour a Salad: Starting your meal with a mixed vegetable salad will decrease your intake of high-calorie food by making you full soon.
Get Your Whole Grains: Go for whole wheat or whole grain bread rather than regular bread.
Share the Main Dish: Share main course meals in smaller plates along with your companions.
Pass On The Buffet: Choose specific food from the menu and do not opt for the buffet. Avoid fried or butter rich food which is high in calories and goes for healthy steamed, boiled or grilled food.
Consider Your Drink: Consider drinking lemonade, low-fat milk or even unsweetened ice tea over carbonated beverages.
Pack Your Snack: Make sure to have a supply of healthy snacks while you are on a road trip. Hence avoiding fast food or any kind of high-calorie snack.
Fill Your Plate With Vegetables and Fruit: Pick a dish rich in vegetables and go for desserts rich in fresh fruit. Stir fries, kabobs, etc are excellent choices for low calorie but high protein food.
Select From The Sides: Go for healthy appetisers over regular sized meals. These are served in smaller portions.