This video may seem funny, but the risk to your health is very real!
The wild, untamed fauna of the animal kingdom is one of the most precious sights on earth. The fierce eyes of a crouching leopard, the stunning stripes of a muscular zebra, the cruel grace of a crocodile’s ever watchful eyes and of course the physique involved in a Cheetah’s chase.
These are some images that we have grown up with, those that shed amazing light on how vibrant the world is and how well intended things are, in their rightful state in due course of evolution.
The images that we see in the video however are an amazing contrast to what we have been used to seeing.”What if animals ate fast food ?”
Yes, considering the fact that humans are highly intelligent, social animals that have gone through the grind of evolution to end up in the physical state they are in now, it goes without saying that fast food can actually do more harm to you than good both in the long run and the short run.
Food is fuel for your body and has a direct impact on how you feel as well as on your overall health. Fast food refers to food that can be served quickly. In many cases, that means food that is highly processed and contains large amounts of carbohydrates, added sugar, unhealthy fats, and salt (sodium). These foods generally contain a high number of calories but offer little or no nutritional value.
A JAM pediatrics study published in 2013 showed that children and adolescents take in more calories in fast food and other restaurants than at home. A day of food outside can add up to 300 calories to your intake. The National Institute of Health states that some fast food meals contain enough calories to last an entire day. This packs on the pounds. Being overweight is also a serious risk factor for huge list of chronic health problems.
When you intake more fast food than nutritious foods in your diet, it can lead to poor nutrition and poor health.
Fast food contains copious amount of Carbohydrates, excessive intake of it can spike your blood sugar levels, which alters normal insulin response. Frequent spikes in blood sugar could contribute to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.
Added sugars in fast food have absolutely no nutritional value but are incredibly high in calories. The American Heart Association goes on to state that, most Americans take in twice as much sugars, when compared to the levels recommended for optimal health. All those extra calories add up to extra weight, which becomes a contributing factor in heart disease.
Trans fats, often found in fast food, are known to raise considerably, the levels of LDL Cholesterol, which is the undesirable kind of cholesterol. It also lowers HDL cholesterol, which is the good cholesterol. Trans fats may also increase your risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
Obesity has also been associated constanty with an increase in respiratory problems. Treating those ailments, however could lead to even more complications. Even without documented or diagnosed medical conditions, obesity tends to cause episodes of shortness of breath and/or wheezing with little or no exertion. Obesity may also play a key role in the development of Sleep Apnea and Asthma.
The journal Thorax in a recent study suggests that children whose intake consists of fast food at least three times in a week are at an increased risk of Asthma and Rhinitis.
And that’s just scratching the surface. Things are meant to go wrong when there’s stuff that was never intended to be involved gets involved. Fast-food is one such trend that has become so irreplaceable that its impact is being noticed on a bigger scale with every passing day.