The Loneliness Helpline

Loneliness can happen to the best of us – and it can last days, months, or years. None of us choose to be lonely. It can be because of shifting to a new place, leaving your comfort zone with close ones, or it could be from letting go of someone who meant everything to you. Loneliness can hit pretty hard, but it is a part of life everyone has to deal with at some point. But how? This blog will give you a hand in coping.
1. Do Not Hate the Change Yet – Adapt Yourself
We hear people say ‘change is good,’ but that expression may not fly with everyone. Some of us would like to continue living by sticking to our old ways. However, with circumstances, you may have to come out of that box to see the world outside your perspective. If that happens, do not give up on yourself; rather, be optimistic about the change. Pen down what you can learn or explore in your new normal. Take one step at a time to make yourself at home wherever you are. Pull yourself together before you are gripped by the shadows of loneliness.
2. Little Adjustments For A Bigger Picture
You come from a big family; suddenly, you are isolated in a hostel full of strangers with strange habits. Well, pick a stranger who seems okay and mingle. Keep your goals straight; you moved out from your family to achieve something or make a name for yourself, is it not? Then frowning alone is no way to do that. If you are newlywed, do the same – pick a family member who makes you feel like it is home and connect. Smart choices do not have to hold emotional value. At the end of the day, we all need a hand from someone reliable to strengthen our existing relationships.
3. Show Loneliness the Door – Hello Self-Care!
Whenever loneliness comes for you, say – “Not today. I have better things to do than to deal with you.” Self-care is the best solution to put your loneliness aside. Caring for yourself can be fun and keep you at peace. When you are feeling down – prepare a meal that you like, and enjoy your cooking right from chopping your veggies and organizing your spices to making the dish. Click a picture of the dish and add it to your journal. Read a book that will keep your spirits heightened – make your annotations interesting to remind yourself how you got through a bad day with this book. Likewise, choose your favorite cup of self-care tea and dwell in that bliss.
4. You Are Not Alone – Find Your Support Today
There is a murkier end to loneliness – depression. Tried everything to cope with loneliness, but did not quite make it? You did not fail! You just need delicate attention. Seek a therapist that you could talk to. Be consistent in fighting off your demons and emotions. With consistency, you will make it through the dark.
Loneliness does not have to be the end of the road. You can have a healthy fear of it without being a victim, you can fight it, and you can find your peace. Good things will come to those who make consistent efforts to find them – go find yours!