Teens and Sexual Harassment

Teens and Sexual Harassment

This digital age might have brought about several changes in how the world works. But certain things can never be changed. As parents, it is always our responsibility to educate our children about certain safety measures. Teaching our children what sexual assault is and encouraging them to raise their voice against sexual harassment of any kind is critical.

Sexual harassment has taken up different forms. It is not something that only happens at the office, schools or colleges anymore. Harassers might strike at places where we least expect our children to be vulnerable. We need to teach our children to put a stop to it then and there.



Sexual assault or harassment can be considered an abuse of power. It is sometimes done simply to express domination. We need to educate our children at a very young age that abuse of power and domination is something that is not acceptable. This is something we have to teach them by being an example.

Teaching our children to voice out danger is a must. Give them the confidence that you will be there by their side and support them.



It is necessary for parents to be on the lookout for strange behavior in their teenage children. An assault victim usually shows signs of depression, anger, and denial. Never let them bottle up their emotions; this can lead to dangerous consequences.

The common reasons sexual harassment goes unreported are:

Sexual harassment has to be looked at with a serious eye. It is high time we stop tolerating such immoral activities and stay silent when strict action is necessary.

Sexual assault can begin as a casual sexist joke. If not shut down then and there it will evolve into something more dangerous and get out of hand before we know it. Our children are to be taught to look out for the dangers in the early stage itself.



Here are a few guidelines you can follow while supporting your child when they are sharing their experience with you:

1.Set up your mind to listen to the entire incident while the child explains it without any interruptions. Avoid interruptions or cross questions until the child finishes the story. This will give them a sense of trust towards you.

2.Do not display your emotions to the child immediately, stay calm but be vigil throughout. Strong emotions like anger or worry might scare the child even more.


3.It is imperative that you make the child understand that you trust their side of the story. Though you have certain doubts towards specific details in the story do not show them your doubts. Those can be clarified later.

4.Make sure that the child knows they have been victimized. Never take the blame upon yourself either.

5.Do not come to any kind of assumptions about the child’s current mentality. Make sure to speak with them and understand what they are going through inside.

6.Make sure your child feels comfortable sharing further details about the problem as well. You might need to spend more time with the child to do this. But it is imperative that you do it without any hesitation.

7.Deal with the problem boldly and fiercely. The strength you display is what is going to make the child stronger mentally.
