Possible Side Effects of Self-Medication

Soon after getting the prescription in hand, the first question that bangs your head is, ‘Does this drug cause any side effects?’ But do you ever think of it before buying a pill at a drugstore all by yourself? Influenced by the web or people around you, at least a day in your lives, you would have been your own doctor. Before getting a tablet next time, please take out time to read the possible harms of popping a pill without your doctor’s advice.
1) Undiagnosed Conditions
Many serious illnesses start with ubiquitous signs like headaches or stomach aches. Assuming it to be some common illness and self-medicating yourself with over-the-counter analgesics makes the underlying disease undiscoverable. These painkillers provide relief only for a short period. Once these drugs become less effective, you rush to the doctor to know you have elapsed the treatment time. To avoid missing out on a diagnosis, reach out to your doctor at the earliest.
2) Unnecessary Anxiety
Surfing the internet for symptoms eventually shows all the associated severe conditions, as the algorithms are designed in such a manner. Most of the online content is not written by trained medical professionals, and you end up with the wrong diagnosis and medication. Ending up reading about brain tumors while searching for the solution to your headache will put you in unwanted dismay. Stop skimming around the net about your symptoms to avoid unnecessary panic.
3) Adverse Effects
Every medicine has its side effects, and it varies depending on the metabolism of each person. Having similar symptoms does not mean you can take the drug prescribed for someone. Before suggesting a drug, a doctor analyses several factors, which is not the case with self-medications. One typical example is taking painkillers and paving the way for peptic ulcers.
4) Drug Dosage
You might not be aware of how much and how long the pill should be taken. For maximum efficacy, the drug should be taken in the recommended dose for a stipulated period and at a particular time. Even a small change in the drug dosage brings about serious effects. Some pills tend to have a sedative effect and should be taken with caution. Obtain the maximum effectiveness and reduce the adverse effects of drugs by taking them as per your physician’s advice.
5) Propagate Toxicity
Not all pills are meant to be taken together. If you are on a particular drug, do not take any other medicines without a doctor’s advice. Some medications decrease the efficacy, while some bring about severe toxicity.
Content published on this website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical diagnosis, advice or treatment by a trained physician. Seek information from your physician or other qualified healthcare providers with questions you may have regarding your symptoms and medical condition for a complete medical diagnosis. Do not delay or disregard seeking professional medical advice because of something you have read on this website.