Online Healthcare Portals are Redefining Employee Healthcare Services

How are online healthcare portals redefining employees’ time and budget spent on hospitals?
In this day and age, where technology has taken over our everyday lives, work-life balance has taken a back seat. Most often, there is hardly ever a time for people to go for regular health checkups or to get medical second opinion to keep tabs on their physical fitness. However, technology has also been of great assistance in reinventing the medical service offerings over the last few years. The undeniable growth of medical sector clubbed with the expanding discoveries in the technology front has allowed medical practitioners to make themselves available digitally.
Online portals including iCliniq, have leveraged the technological developments to pioneer online healthcare portals that offer world-class and affordable medical advice and consultations virtually. This global phenomenon has also been of great help for employers as they can now provide better medical and healthcare protection to their employees.
Reasons why employers leverage the revolutionizing online healthcare portals include-
1. Easy access to thousands of doctors
In an environment where people from different walks of lives come together to achieve one common goal of the organization, much time is not available to check on physical health. Sometimes, the best facilities are not available easily either. Online doctor consultation become the best option in cases where one does not have easy access to the best medical facilities. These forums are also the hub for thousands of reputed physicians and experts thus allowing employers to provide the best medical support to the bones of the organization.
2. Quick turn around time
Since almost every communication is done in seconds, it is easy to get the undivided attention of the medical practitioner instantly. Each online patient is allotted the best doctor for their needs, and the response is extremely quick as opposed to the long waiting lines in clinics and hospitals. Another considerable benefit using online healthcare portals is the duration of the interaction. A patient can ask numerous questions while the doctor can answer them quickly. One can also easily get second opinion without wasting time with the online doctor consultation portals. Also, the surrounding factors that might distract the doctor are avoided in such online setup.
There may be instances where each visit to the doctor can cost exorbitantly on the pocket. Considering other expenses like travel to the clinic, each consultation is pressing on the workforce. These online portals, on the other hand, charge nominally with the employees receptive of the best medical support. There is no discrimination based on affordability thus each, and everyone can gain access to the reputed doctor to give medical opinion in that area of concern.
4. Best services to all irrespective of income/hierarchy
All employees regardless of their role and designation can enjoy the world class medical services at the click of a button. Online portals have become a boon to those who cannot afford to travel miles to meet the best physician or surgeon. They can just log in to consult the doctors and avail the services quickly.
5. Reports database
Another significant benefit for the employees and thus the employers is the reports that are readily available to the employees on the online platform. Since everything is digitally transacted, all the reports are easily accessible thus making the medical history of the patient readily accessible to the next doctor who is taking over the case. There is no data loss here thus creating a digital medical image for the physician.
Restructuring the medical industry, online healthcare platforms have started to attract employers and general public enormously. Portals including iCliniq have been able to increase the medical assistance provided thus improving the employee morale within the organization. Once the employees see these portals to be a way of employers’ concern, it boosts the image of the company thus improving workforce agility.