Make a Splash Not a Mishap!

As the weather is getting warmer and warmer, the time has come to dive inside the pools. Swimming is a great exercise and a fun way to enjoy time with your friends and family. While splashing around in the water and swimming can be funny on one side, it can be dangerous on the other side too if caution is not followed. Here are a few interesting tips to swim safely and have fun.
1. Feet First and Heads Last
Jumping into the water with a splash on everyone is fun. But jumping headfirst into pools with no areas designated for diving and shallow waters can be deadly. Hence it is always safe to put your feet inside and feel the water before starting to swim.
2. Better Together
Swimming in public places often happens under the guidance of a lifeguard who might annoy you with his warnings. But he is actually watching the water and giving you safety instructions accordingly. The private pools and beautiful lakes you may come across randomly at your cousin’s place would make you go crazy. You may dive in thinking that nobody is going to restrict you. But it is always better to have your family member or friend along with you so that you can get a helping hand in case anything goes wrong.
3. Dress Up in a Jacket
Life-jacket may feel like an extra-fitting which spoils the real fun of swimming. But for inexperienced swimmers and children, wearing a Coast Guard-certified life jacket can ensure safety up to a certain level.
4. Alert Mode On
Parents or guardians should be alert once children are inside the pool. It is better to have your child at one arm’s distance from you when in water. As creativity and enthusiasm are at their peak during childhood, children may tend to try flips and dive once they are inside the pool. Hence it is always advisable for the adults to take turns and supervise the children when in water.
5. Bye Bye Alcohol
Alcohol is a big no for swimmers and elders who supervise their children in the pool. Alcohol can disturb balance and coordination which might lead to water accidents. Hence a gang of friends enjoying a poolside alcohol party is good only to watch in movies, but not to be tried in real life.
6. Stay Back, I Know CPR
Even after following all safety measures, water accidents can happen. Often bystanders are the first person to respond in pool-related accidents. Hence it is important to learn how to perform CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation). Knowing this simple technique can often save people like a super hero.
Swimming is not just mere fun but also promotes confidence and healthy living. Each one of us needs to learn to swim as it might be beneficial at some point in our life. However, it is important to set boundaries and follow water safety tips to enjoy a memorable swimming experience.