Lifestyle Changes to Prevent Cervical Cancer

With cervical cancer prevention week round the corner, “now” is the best time to know about the preventive measures of cervical cancer. Not many people take the courage to search or talk about cervical cancer. But it is high time we break these stereotypes because cervical cancer can be best prevented by following some easy lifestyle modifications.
1) Quit Smoking
“Smoking is injurious to health” is not a cliche, but it has some real meaning. Of the many adverse effects, the risk of developing cervical cancer is a significant one. Did you know? For women who smoke, the chance of getting cervical cancer is doubled! The by-products of tobacco alter the DNA of the cells in the cervix, thereby increasing the risk. If you have not smoked all your life, you are on the right track. Else, please quit it now!
2) Safe Sex
Are you aware that unsafe sexual practices can result in cervical cancer? Yes, having unprotected intercourse with multiple partners increases the risk of sexually transmitted infection and the risk of developing cervical cancer. Have you been taking bleeding after sex lightly? It can be a red-flag sign of cervical cancer. Get yourself examined by a healthcare provider at the earliest.
3) Opt for Pap Test
Pap smear test may not be comfortable, but remember, getting cervical cancer is even worse. A Pap test helps detect abnormalities in the cervix and is to be done annually. Early detection is the best protection one can have against cervical cancer. Get your appointment today for a Pap test!
4) HPV Vaccine
Are you wondering if a vaccine can prevent cervical cancer? Yes, rightly so; HPV vaccines can reduce your risk of developing cervical cancer. If you have not been vaccinated yet, get your vaccine jab as soon as possible. Also, remember these HPV vaccines are much effective when taken before the person becomes sexually active. Have a daughter around 11 or 12? Book an appointment now because it is the right time to get her the vaccination.
With modern-day practices, enunciating cervical cancer has become the need of the hour. Break the social stigma and speak out about cervical cancer! Do not let your ignorance cost you the risk of developing cervical cancer. With awareness, there is always hope. Therefore, get to know the preventive measures and start following them.
Content published on this website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical diagnosis, advice or treatment by a trained physician. Seek information from your physician or other qualified healthcare providers with questions you may have regarding your symptoms and medical condition for a complete medical diagnosis. Do not delay or disregard seeking professional medical advice because of something you have read on this website.