Itolizumab - Now a COVID Drug, PS: Just So You Know!

COVID-19 pandemic hit us all out of the blue. Even before we could sink in the fact that – it is happening! The pandemic took over and spread like there is no end, in a course of a few months. Amidst the whole population taking the hit, the medical world froze for a second, standing helpless not knowing what could be done. With all the confusion and dejection, an anti-psoriatic drug came to the rescue. While we went through too many restrictions this drug titled “Itolizumab” got an exclusive permit. Is not it a must to know about this rescue drug better?
1. If It Works, Why Not?
When opinions were all over the place and controlling the pandemic seemed a nightmare. The Indian drug regulatory agency following Cuba took a step towards studying Itolizumab’s use for COVID treatment. The results favoring more towards the yes, why not? side, has led to green signaling of the drug’s use.
2. First in the Line
Although not many ended up on the list as COVID drugs, Itolizumab holds the position – first discovered in a group of a handful. Speculations going about the approval with the least study and skipped protocols keep circulating even though the drug is still studied.
3. Good in It
Apart from the least possibility of causing an adverse effect, it is well-tolerated as well. A drug to be tolerated well by any patient happens with the least chance. If this drug ticks the list, is it not a great choice?
4. No to Invasive Breathing
If you ask a COVID survivor which part of the treatment was scary and hard to deal with; most complain, the procedure of artificial breathing-intubation to be the one. Itolizumab being effective in treating not-so-late breathing difficulties escapes patients from having to go through the tiresome breathing tubes. Using Itolizumab has cut down the line of patients demanding oxygen cylinders.
5. Inflammation Drop Shows Up
With the adding benefits, drop-in inflammation ranks the most. One sign that guarantees healing in any disease is a reduction in inflammation, Itolizumab does it to COVID sufferers. Thereby, sowing seeds of hope in them.
6. X-rays – Not Scary Anymore
Breathing is considered a sign of life. COVID-19 affecting the lungs concerns many as it is the organ that pumps the breath. To see if the lungs are fine, X-rays come into play. Doctors frown upon seeing lung X-ray of patients with difficulties breathing; whereas Itolizumab’s use has transformed the frowns into hope-giving smiles.
Despite not ticking all the protocols before approval, the lives this drug has saved are priceless. A smart action is not just following the protocols; seeing forward to control the situation at its worst matters more.