Implementation of "The Tiny Healthcare Benefits"

Implementation of "The Tiny Healthcare Benefits"

As the growing need to protect employees’ health gets more and more popular, companies have started to wonder about the various ways to cater to this need. Employers have come to understand that they can no longer provide just monetary offerings to employees as part of their welfare benefit scheme and create a positive about the environment. Fringe benefits have taken a backseat as health, and work-life balance became the talk of the town these last few years.

Here are some of the ways in which both the employee and the employer can benefit out of the offerings of the company.

1. Office medical camps

The business can set up medical camps within the campus to address the core medical needs of the employees. This creates an environment of protection as employees can easily have their health related queries resolved by the best of the healthcare industry.

2. Online healthcare portals

Online healthcare portals including iCliniq are one of the best and most profitable healthcare benefit options a company can resort to. Easily affordable, these portals have the best healthcare experts providing undivided medical advice and opinions to the clients at the click of a button.

3. Healthcare blogger collaboration

While it is difficult for the company to directly collaborate with bloggers specializing in the healthcare field, signing up with online medical portals gives them the option to receive an expert opinion on various healthcare topics directly to their mailbox.
Portals including iCliniq that offers the second opinion on various ailments also have the option of sharing blogs to its subscribers. One can receive up to two blogs a month that cover a variety of topics that are often left undiscussed.

4. Office stress-buster events

Conducting office activities to relieve stress is another health benefit that can be offered to the employees. This helps them handle their stress and in turn helps their health. These events can be held both on-campus or off-campus depending on the company policies.

5. Mandatory hate leave in the six months

Some employees accumulate their paid leave all year long to take a long vacation. While this is entirely their choice, companies must also ask them to take leave to keep their stress levels in a tab. Ask employees to take a break every six months if you notice them not to have taken even a single day of paid leave. This helps their morale and performance.


Of the healthcare benefits mentioned above, companies can quickly resort to providing medical report and recommendations through online portals or even create an atmosphere that helps employees get second medical opinions from experts and healthcare professionals. What may seem like a tiny benefit for the employee can even go a long way as they feel protected and cherished.