Habits That Might Ruin Your Skin

Who does not love smooth, glowing, and healthy skin? Most of you think you are on the right track when it comes to your skincare routine. Surprisingly you may not, and that practice might be ruining your skin. To help you avoid mistakes, we have listed a few skin-ruining habits. Read the blog and refrain from such practices.
1) Hard Exfoliation
Every skincare routine you search online stresses the need for exfoliation. Yes, rightly so; exfoliation helps get rid of dead skin cells. However, over-exfoliating your skin leads to flakiness and irritation. When you apply makeup or any chemical-based products to it, breakage occurs. Do exfoliate your skin twice a week, but with smooth beads.
2) Lip Therapy
Nature of lips changes with the season. Do you lick your lips to prevent drying? If yes, it is not the right thing to do. You might feel it silly to stop doing it, but when you lick, the natural moist present in the lips is also taken away with the saliva when it dries again. Thus, exaggerating the condition of cracked and chapped lips. Do use a lip balm to moisturize your lips.
3) You Are What You Eat
Do you know healthy skin starts from within? Despite having a significant role in system functioning, food is needed for healthy skin. For the skin to glow outside, nutrients have to make their work inside. Intake of processed, oily, fried, and junk food leads to acne, thereby affecting your skin’s appearance. Also, less intake of fruits and vegetables gives the skin a dull appearance. Do drink plenty of water and take a good amount of nutrients to enhance your skin’s appearance.
4) Hands Off Your Eyes
Are you someone who frequently rubs your eyes? Please stop it! Because rubbing leads to the development of fine lines and wrinkles. Before you wear contact lenses, mascara, or eyeliner, get to know the right way to protect the area around the eyes. While removing your contacts, try not to pull the skin excessively. Being stroppy to remove heavy eye makeup can lead to skin tears. Therefore, be gentle with your eyes and avoid rubbing. Use a good and safe remover to take off your makeup.
5) Sauna in Your Shower
Are you of the thought that a hot shower cleans the dirt off our skin? It is not true in the real sense. Hot showers actually remove moisture from the skin, leading to flaky skin. Also, it causes irritation and white patches. Hence do shower in warm water to keep your skin free from harm.
“We love our skin and want it to be at its best at all times. To provide the right steps, always take your journey with professional help to improve your skin. As the skin is as important as our health on the inside.”
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