Get Set Aware: Knowing PANS and PANDAS

Hello there, readers! Today, we are delving into PANS and PANDAS awareness day, a subject that may not be on everyone’s radar yet demands our attention. Roughly one in 200 children get hit by PANS and PANDAS every year in the U.S., which is more common than you imagine. Getting the right care can often feel like a tedious waiting game for people with PANS and PANDAS. Spreading the word about the condition will better assist those people and families in need. So, put on your reading glasses because we are about to disclose a condition that has been hidden from sight for far too long!
1. Mark Your Calendar
PANS and PANDAS Awareness Day is held on October nine every year. Since it was launched in 2009, the day has focused on advancing research, educating the public, and providing support to those who are coping with these disorders.
2. PANS: The Brain Flip
PANS (pediatric acute-onset neuropsychiatric syndrome) is a diagnosis in which certain children will act erratically and strangely out of the blue. Like, one day, they are normal, and the next, they have strange obsessions or will not eat anything. It is as if a switch in their brains just flipped. Doctors can mistake it for eating disorders or OCD, but they are not the same, and the exact cause is still lurking in the shadows.
3. PANDAS Alert
PANDAS (pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorder associated with streptococcal infections). What happens in kids with PANDAS is that they suddenly develop neuropsychiatric conditions like OCD or tics (those bizarre, involuntary motions). The absurd part is that everything happens in just two or three days! Many PANDAS children actually test positive for recent streptococcal infections, such as strep throat, peri-anal strep, or scarlet fever.
4. Beating PANS and PANDAS
PANS and PANDAS can be completely treated! It is akin to a three-step butt-kick strategy. It is usually started by addressing the underlying issue, which is those annoying infections. After restoring the immune system, doctors finally address those bothersome symptoms. So, do not worry; there is hope!
5. Together We Can!
You can definitely have an impact and save countless lives by spreading the word about PANS and PANDAS. Distributing flyers, organizing fundraising events, sharing experiences, and getting the state representatives to support the awareness can all be included in the list. Additional research is required to learn how to identify it quickly and properly treat it. Additionally, it will aid medical professionals in understanding this illness. So let us all make an effort to learn about PANS and PANDAS on this day, recognize the symptoms, and support families who are caring for a PANS and PANDAS patient!
Let us keep the momentum going and disseminate the word widely. Everyone has to be informed about PANS and PANDAS. Early detection and better outcomes for people facing these disorders can result from increased awareness. Keep in mind that every effort counts. Share a message, display a ribbon, or plan a neighborhood celebration. Every little contribution helps to bring PANS and PANDAS into the open!