COVID-19 Second Wave - Tips to Boost Your Immune System

It has been more than a year since the fight against the deadly virus that causes COVID-19 began. With the virus undergoing constant mutations and many countries experiencing an exponential increase in cases for the second or third time, the only way to control this is by getting vaccinated, strengthening our immunity, following strict social distancing, and wearing a mask. The recently approved COVID-19 vaccines also activate your immune system, which in turn fights the virus off in case it invades the body in the future. This is why it is imperative to strengthen your immune system now. It also protects your body from harmful substances and even the virus that causes COVID-19. We have listed a few tips that will help you naturally fight the Coronavirus second wave and keep you safe and healthy.
1) A Healthy Diet
Your diet plays the most important role in keeping you healthy and your immune system in check. Your goal should be to include at least three servings of fruits and vegetables every day. Also include more whole grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes rich in nutrients and antioxidants. Healthy fats found in fatty fish, olive oil, and avocados are also great, as they have anti-inflammatory properties and fight off disease-causing viruses. The things that must be avoided are refined sugar, saturated and trans fats, and simple carbohydrates.
2) Sleep Better
Did you know that a lack of sleep affects your immune system? Various studies have shown that people who do not get sufficient hours of sleep or have disturbed sleep are more prone to infections, including COVID-19. When you sleep, cytokines are released. These cytokines are needed in excess when your body is fighting a disease. Sleep deprivation affects the production of these cytokines, increasing the time you take to recover from an infection like COVID-19.
3) Exercise
Exercise improves your overall fitness and changes the antibodies and white blood cells (WBC), both of which are important for immunity. It also decreases your risk of getting cold, flu, and other viral infections. Moderate exercise regularly also reduces inflammation and promotes healthy turnover of immune cells.
4) Stay Hydrated
Sipping warm water and keeping yourself hydrated can improve your overall immunity. Water naturally eliminates toxins and pathogens that cause infection from the body. It also ensures that sufficient oxygen and nutrients are distributed throughout your body, and all the waste is flushed out. On the other hand, drinking less water and dehydration can result in indigestion, fatigue, headache, kidney problems, etc., which prevents the immune system from working properly.
5) Manage Stress
Prolonged stress and anxiety are detrimental to your mental and physical health. It promotes inflammation and imbalance in the functioning of your immune system. The key to good immunity is to manage stress levels by yoga, dance, meditation, etc.
Also, remember to go for regular health checkups to diagnose and treat chronic illnesses, as they can affect the immune system and thereby increase the chance of infections.
Content published on this website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical diagnosis, advice or treatment by a trained physician. Seek information from your physician or other qualified healthcare providers with questions you may have regarding your symptoms and medical condition for a complete medical diagnosis. Do not delay or disregard seeking professional medical advice because of something you have read on this website.