Celebrating Differences and Embracing Inclusion!

What is the specialty of April? In most parts of the world, April marks the end of the moody winters and the beginning of brighter days ahead. To add to that is World Autism Awareness Day which is considered a significant day on the global calendar. It is a day to raise awareness of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), promote acceptance and facilitate the inclusion of people with ASD in all aspects of life.
1. From Awareness to Acceptance
Even though April was designated initially as Autism Awareness Month, it is preferable to address it as Autism Acceptance Month, as acceptance is what autistic individuals require. It is because they are not looking for any sympathy. Instead, they want others to accept them the way they are. They want people to give a shot at them by providing them with employment opportunities and a platform to showcase their talents.
2. Mind Over Matter
Our thoughts can be very powerful. When we start thinking negatively of a person we end up treating them accordingly. This applies to just anyone, but in the case of an autistic patient, it is super important that we approach them with the most positive thoughts possible. We should be able to appreciate their strengths and differences. It is not always the big things that can make specially-abled people happy, but a supportive and kind community that accepts them the way they are.
3. Cracking the Autism Code
Boys are more often diagnosed with autism than girls. And why is that so? It is because girls go undiagnosed as they mask the symptoms of autism better than boys and do not fit the stereotypes of autism. Each person with autism has different skills, needs, and challenges. It is considered a costly disease as the price for fulfilling the services required by autistic people is very high. Hence early recognition of the disorder at a very young age is the best option to support the needs of the patient more economically.
4. It Is Okay to Be Different
With the right treatment and support, autistic people can do wonders to bring a change in the world. Sometimes they come with extra talents. They adhere to rules strongly and are very precise in their tasks. They understand and think visually. They are always filled with joy and enthusiasm to learn new things. And one big bonus you get to see in our autistic heroes is that you can trust them blindly as they are exceptionally honest.
5. Let Us Get Mindful on Autism Awareness Day
Embrace understanding, not change. We should understand the people with autism rather than try to change them. Though there is no cure for this disorder, there are supportive treatments. We can get involved with various associations that help people with autism and get involved in the activities planned for the day. Online platforms are not just for posting happy pictures but also for educating people with the knowledge we have, as many are still unaware of this disorder.
Autistic or specially gifted people are the ones who should be celebrated for what they are. Let us focus on the power of positive thinking in autism acceptance as we strive for a neuro-inclusive world for all. Together, we can make a difference and create a brighter future for all.