9 Tips To Grow Facial Hair Faster

A fully grown mustache and a beard have always been a sense of pride for men since it is a sign of their masculinity. Any male in their teens has a constant worry as to how they can get enough facial hair faster.
Here are a few easy steps you can take that will help you get a full beard and a rugged mustache.
1.Amla oil
Using amla oil is a natural and healthy way of getting full facial hair. Massage your face with amla oil and let it settle for around 15 – 20 minutes. Wash it off with cold water and cleanse it thoroughly.
Massage your face thoroughly on a regular basis. A proper massage stimulates blood flow which in turn helps in hair growth.
3.Eucalyptus Moisturizer
Using eucalyptus is a traditional method to promote facial hair growth. The easy way to use eucalyptus is to apply a moisturizer which has a eucalyptus base. Do it on a regular basis.
Regular shaping or trimming of your hair might damage it. Groom your beard once in six weeks or on specific occasions if any.
Protein can also help in promoting hair growth. Rich protein content from nuts, egg, fish and meat will help in your facial hair growth.
6.Managing Stress
When you are less stressed and more relaxed, it helps your beard grow thicker, on the other hand, experts also believe that having more hair will help in relieving your stress. Hence managing stress and growing a beard can compliment each other.
7.Vitamins and Minerals
Proper vitamin and mineral intake is also necessary for facial hair growth as well. Vitamin A, B, C and E are essential for proper hair growth along with other benefits.
Proper sleep helps in repairing your damaged skin cells and maintaining them as well. Proper skin care promotes hair growth as well.
9.Exfoliate your skin
Exfoliate your skin on a regular basis to remove dead skin cells. This promotes healthy skin which once again is responsible for proper and natural hair growth.
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