9 Fat Foods That Are Actually Healthy

The fat in your food has varied effects on your health, based on what you consume it along with. Some fats are very healthy altogether while others have to be consumed only in limited quantities. Find below a list of foods which are rich in fat and are very healthy.
1. Avocado
This is a fruit which has a 77% calorific value. Avocado is considered an excellent source of potassium and fiber. It is very beneficial while managing cardiovascular health. One-fourth of an avocado a day can do wonders for your health.
2. Cheese
A single slice of cheese can be considered an equivalent to a glass of milk when it comes to nutrific value. It is a wonderful combination of vitamins, quality proteins, minerals and essential fats.
3. Dark chocolate
Dark chocolate might be high in fat but is also a powerhouse for nutrients and antioxidants. It is very friendly towards your cardiovascular health.
4. Boiled eggs
Boiled eggs are one of the most simple and common nutrition-rich foods that you can consume. Though they are also rich in fat and cholesterol, its Nutrific value makes it a very healthy food.
5. Salmon
Salmon and other fatty fish have a lot of essential nutrients including omega-3 fatty acid. They are known to reduce the risk of diseases in your body and improve your health altogether.
6. Nuts
Nuts have loads of healthy fat, vitamin E, protein and magnesium. They are one of the sources of plant-based protein. Nuts are proven to have several health benefits.
7. Chia seeds
Chia seeds are very rich in healthy fats, including omega-3 fatty acid. They are also loaded with minerals. Their health benefits are numerous.
8. Extra virgin olive oil
Extra virgin olive oil is very effective when it comes to improving cardiovascular health.
9. Coconut
The metabolism of coconut is not similar to other fats because coconut has a lot of medium-chain fatty acids. Coconuts can help in weight loss by reducing appetite and increasing the fat burning capacity of your body.
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