8 Ways to Lower Blood Pressure Naturally

Statistics say that one in three people from the US along with a billion other people worldwide suffer from blood pressure. This is a dangerous condition which can damage your heart in the long run. If left untreated for long it can even result on you suffering from a stroke.
Read further to know a few simple and natural tips to combat the high blood pressure.
A thirty-minute walk every day can do wonders if you are looking to keep your blood pressure at the normal level. Further exercise is even better but nothing too rigorous.
2.Reduce salt intake
Reducing sodium intake has a direct impact in keeping your blood pressure at the optimum level. But keep in mind that this is a recommendation for people whose metabolism is sensitive to salt.
3.Avoid alcohol
Any type of alcohol intake in a higher quantity can increase your blood pressure. It is better to avoid alcohol as a whole or at least limit it to not more than a drink a day for women and two drinks a day for men.
4.Include potassium rich foods
Potassium can help in lowering high blood pressure. Fresh fruits and vegetables are rich in potassium. Eating them on a regular basis can keep your blood pressure level at the right mark.
5.Limit caffeine
It is better to avoid caffeine or limit its intake if you are looking to maintain your blood pressure. Caffeine is known to give a hike in your blood pressure for a short term. But frequent consumption can cause a lasting impact on your blood pressure levels.
6.Dark chocolate
Consuming dark chocolate is very good for your health. The plant compounds in dark chocolate keep your blood vessels relaxed hence reducing your blood pressure.
7.Healthy diet
A diet rich in calcium can help maintain your blood pressure at a healthy level. Leafy green vegetables, dairy products and tofu are a very good source of calcium.
8.Legumes and whole grains
Wholesome foods such as legumes and whole grains are very healthy and help in keeping your blood pressure in the normal range. These foods are rich in magnesium which is the reason for such positive effects