7 Ways to Add Healthy Fat to Your Diet

7 Ways to Add Healthy Fat to Your Diet


1. Fish is an excellent source of healthy fat. Add fish like Mackerel, Herring or Salmon to your diet, on a regular basis.


2. Add powdered flax seeds in your breakfast cereal or yogurt. They have a lot of essential fat.


3. Try and switch to Olive or Canola oil as a salad dressing. They are much healthier than regular oil.


4. Avoid packed or frozen food(including cookies) which are rich in Hydrogenated oil.


5. If you have a sweet tooth, switch to dark chocolate with a high cocoa content and low milk & sugar content. It is a great source of anti oxidants.


6. Include nuts like walnut, peanut or almonds in your daily diet. You can use them in your salad or have them as a quick snack. They are rich in unsaturated fat.


7. Avacoda is a rich source of mono-unsaturated fat. They can be eaten raw or also added in your salad. They also reduce the risk of breast cancer.


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