7 Factors That Affect a Woman's Fertility

We are mostly aware of the concept that women’s fertility rate is inversely proportionate to their age. But the mostly ignored concept is that choices they make that define their lifestyle also play a significant role in determining their ability to conceive a baby even when they are in their prime. Here are a few things you can be on the lookout for if you are trying to conceive a baby.
1. Weight
The fertility of a woman can be affected if the individual is not only overweight but also underweight. Maintaining an ideal body weight is very important if you are planning for a baby. Both adding weight and reducing weight must happen in such a manner that it is healthy.
2. Extreme Exercise
Maintaining a workout regime is very important to keep you healthy and your hormones balanced. But too much of anything is not always good. Intense workout sessions can cause severe problems in a woman’s fertility.
3. Hormonal Imbalance
Balancing your hormones is very important while you are trying to get pregnant and also while you are pregnant. Your hormones play a major role in determining your fertility. Hormonal imbalance at the early stage of pregnancy might lead to miscarriage as well. If you feel you have a hormonal imbalance, please see a doctor immediately.
4. Smoking
Smoking is bad for health under all circumstances. It is widely known that smoking while pregnant is harmful to the baby. But statistics also say that non smokers have a higher chance of getting pregnant than smokers.
5. Reproductive Health Problems
Fertility problem may arise from numerous reproductive health conditions. A few among them which can impair fertility are abnormal growth of uterine lining, PCOS, fallopian tube block and abnormal uterine shape.
6. Autoimmune Disorders
Autoimmune disorders such as diabetes (type 1) and autoimmune thyroiditis can weaken the reproductive health. The autoimmune disorders can act as an element and affect fertility.
7. Stress
Stress can be a serious cause of delayed pregnancy. Sometimes the stress of making such a huge decision can play a major role in delaying pregnancy. Stress creates serious changes in your body affecting your ovulation period. Make sure you do not let stress interfere with your life. Make sure you follow stress-relieving activities such as Yoga and Meditation.
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