7 Common Cancer Myths

In recent times cancer myths are something that has become more widely spread than cancer itself. A few of these myths have been around for a very long time despite experts denying them from time to time.
Let us have a look at the most common cancer myths that have withstood the test of time.
This is one of the oldest myths. But this myth cannot be denied entirely. Hair dyes are thought to be one of the reasons for bladder cancer or breast cancer. This is a risk only suspected to affect hairdressers and others who have frequent exposure to hair dyes and not for those who use it occasionally for personal use. But the fact remains that it has never been connected with brain tumors.
In certain cases, cancer has been shown to be genetic. This does not simply mean that one is expected to be affected by cancer if either of their parents or their grandparents had suffered from cancer. In the case of colorectal cancer, breast cancer and ovarian cancer a person has a chance of contracting it if it had been hereditary. It is highly improbable to say your cancer cells might pass on to your kids every single time. Though a child might have inherited a cancer gene from either one of his parents, it only increases their chance of being affected by cancer while comparing to others.
Cancer has never been pinpointed as the reason for hair loss. Hair loss is mostly the side effect of chemotherapy and radiation therapy which are treatments for cancer. Even in this case, not everyone who goes through chemotherapy or radiation therapy lose their hair.
This is one of the biggest cancer myths of all times. Men are also very much prone to be affected by breast cancer as much as women. It might be considered quite rare while comparing to female breast cancer but it can be as fatal as breast cancer in women as well.
Cancer is a fatal disease. But advancements in science and technology have made cancer detection at an early age much easier and treatment for cancer much more effective. If detected at an early age and given the right treatment cancer can be cured.
This is by far the most popular cancer myth among woman since it is most commonly associated with breast cancer. There has never been conclusive evidence to point out that wearing deodorants can cause cancer.
Cancer is very rarely contagious except on two occasions involving HPV and Hepatitis C which are viruses. HPV is a common risk factor for cervical cancer and hepatitis C can cause liver cancer. These viruses can be transmitted through unprotected sexual intercourse. Hepatitis C transmission is much more common while it is being transmitted through blood directly. Sharing needles is a common scenario which causes hepatitis C transmission from one person to another.