6 Tips to Prevent Prostate Cancer

Statistics say, once every 18 minutes a person dies due to prostate cancer and the onset of prostate cancer happens on a new person every 2.3 minutes. Here are 6 steps you can take now to reduce your risk of prostate cancer.
1. Stay active
Stay active: Increasing your activity level and following a workout regime for 30 to 45 minutes a day, can keep you safe from prostate cancer. It does not mean you have to hit the gym every day, just something to stretch your muscles to get your body active would be fine.
2. Avoid sugary treats
Avoid sugary treats: Increased trans fat content and high blood sugar levels raise the risk of prostate cancer. In simple words, its time to cut down on your sugary treats. High sugar content in your body causes inflammation and insulin resistance, which is not good.
3. Say green
Say green: Adding more green vegetables to your diet works wonders for your health as a whole and is specifically helpful in resisting prostate cancer. Apart from green vegetables, your diet can also include tomatoes along with a variety of nuts and fruits.
4. Flaxseeds
Flaxseeds: Flaxseeds help in the fight against both prostate and breast cancer. They also help in preventing the spread of cancer from one part to another.
5. Stop smoking
Stop smoking: Not only is the risk of prostate cancer high in smokers, the effects of cancer can also be more aggressive with them. It is never too late; your body starts healing the moment you stop smoking.
6. Talk to your doctor
Talk to your doctor: If you feel you are at risk, talk to a doctor immediately. The essential points to be taken into account are; history of cancer in your family, your diet pattern and your lifestyle.
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