6 Signs You’re Eating Too Much Sugar

Sugar is by default a delicious ingredient. There are very few people who do not like anything sweet. But if consumed in large quantities, sugar is not something that can do good for your health. Added sugars (which include sugars and syrups) does not have any nutritious value but is the main ingredient of processed food. They only add unnecessary calories to your diet and increase your weight.
Are you concerned that you might be eating too much sugar? Read further to know about the signs that can confirm your suspicion.
1. Constant hunger
When your blood sugar is high, it does not allow glucose to enter your cells. This results in your body not receiving enough energy and craving for more food. This creates a never-ending vicious cycle.
2. Increased fatigue
When your blood sugar is high, your body loses the capacity to absorb and store glucose. This creates an energy insufficiency in your body, resulting in a lack of fuel to your cells. In entirety, this results in you feeling tired constantly without any reason.
3. Frequent urination
4. Excessive thirst
A fluid loss in your body results in you having excessive thirst and dry mouth frequently. Our hypothalamus constantly assess your body’s hydration level and sends signals to your brain accordingly. Whenever you feel thirsty, it is better to stick to regular water rather than sugared drinks.
5. Infectious diseases
Yeast infection and urinary tract infection are diseases that can occur both in men and women. But it is more frequent in women who have a high blood sugar level. When your body contains excess sugar, it creates an ecosystem which is very compatible for bacteria and yeast to reproduce.
6. Blurred vision
Dehydration in your body caused due to high blood sugar can affect the cells in your eyes. Hence, your eyes lose the ability to focus, resulting in blurry vision.