6 Preventive Measures Against Dengue Fever

Caused by infectious mosquitoes, most commonly the Aedes aegypti, dengue is a very dangerous disease. If not identified and treated at the right time, it can cause fatal consequences. Though dengue symptoms include joint pains, rashes and high fever, specific cases of dengue can become asymptomatic.
Here are a few tips for you to stay away from mosquitoes and protect your surroundings from becoming a breeding ground for them.

We need to make sure any and all kinds of water containers we use are cleaned on a regular basis and are kept closed. Mosquitoes usually lay their eggs on water. Water containers like flower vases, planter dishes and pet water bottles can become breeding ground for mosquitoes.
Make sure your house is always tidy and clean. Take it up as a priority to clear unwanted junk both inside and outside your home regularly. Old tyres plastic containers and other similar junk can become breeding grounds for mosquitoes if water gets stagnated in them.
If you have started observing too many mosquitoes in your surrounding recently start wearing long sleeve shirts and pants, which cover your ankle till you are sure that the issue has been cleared and your surroundings are back to normal.
Do not hesitate to invest in a good quality mosquito net around your bed to protect yourself during your sleep. With time the net might get worn out, hence make sure to check it regularly for holes and if it properly seals every side of the bed and gives maximum protection.
You could use insecticides to protect yourself inside your house but take caution before choosing the right one, which can be used around the house. Mosquito coils are a good option but make sure no one is allergic and is kept away from the reach of children.
During rainy seasons make sure to apply mosquito repellents before going out in the evening hours all over your body. Make sure you are extra cautious if you know you are going to visit places filled with insects. In case of children make sure to get the advice of a doctor about the kind of mosquito repellent that will be suitable for them.