6 Coronavirus Myths

With the growing fear following the outbreak of coronavirus, the myths surrounding this phenomenon is growing as well. In a way, these myths have started becoming more dangerous than the outbreak itself.
Read on to know about a few of the most common myths and misconceptions surrounding coronavirus.
Myth 1
Myth: Be Wary of Receiving Packages From China
This is one of the myths that have been doing the rounds on the internet. However, this is not true. There is no health hazard associated with receiving parcels from China. The World Health Organisation has been conducting studies about how long the virus can survive in a mail or a package, and they have concluded that there is no risk in receiving mails from China.
Myth 2
Myth: Hand Dryers Kill Coronavirus
Hand dryers have absolutely no effect on coronavirus or any other virus for that matter. In case you want to take precautionary measures, make sure you wash your hands with soap frequently and use alcohol-based hand rubs. And always keep your hands dry with the help of hand dryers or by using paper napkins.
Myth 3
Myth: Spraying Your Body With Alcohol and Chlorine Will Kill the New Coronavirus
This is not true at all. Using alcohol or chlorine externally or internally will neither help prevent the infection or kill the virus. In turn, this can harm your mucous membranes. While following appropriate recommendations, chlorine and alcohol can be used to disinfect surfaces.
Myth 4
Myth: Eating Garlic Can Prevent Coronavirus Infection
Garlic, in general, is considered to be really healthy and has a lot of antimicrobial properties. But there is no evidence supporting the theory that garlic can help in preventing the spread of coronavirus. The World Health Organization has clarified this.
Myth 5
Myth: DIY Masks Can Protect You From the Virus
The internet is full of people wearing masks made from fruit to recycled water bottles and paper. But the truth is, none of these DIY masks help in preventing coronavirus infection. Instead, wearing masks made from plastic bottles and bags are a potential suffocation risk.
Myth 6
Myth: Your Pets Can Spread the Coronavirus
It is believed that the coronavirus got spread to humans from bats. But you getting infected by your pet is highly unlikely, unless you have pet bats. There are no confirmed cases of any domestic animal being infected by this virus. So, avoid abandoning your pets based on such myths!