6 Best Tips to Detox After Your Holidays

With the holiday season coming to a close, it is time to get our lives back on the regular track. But how do we get our body which we have derailed with all the fun we had back to normal?

Read along to know the best ways to get your body ready to move in an active phase.

1. Water

6 Best Tips to Detox After Your Holidays

Drinking a lot of water is the best way to cleanse up your system in whatever situation. It is better to have at least two to three liters of water every day. If you have a physically active lifestyle, it is better to drink more.


2. Green Tea

6 Best Tips to Detox After Your Holidays

Having green tea twice a day helps in phasing up your metabolism and also your digestion process. Green tea also fights specific problems related to digestion like bloating, heartburns and constipation.


3. Lemon Water

6 Best Tips to Detox After Your Holidays

A cup of lemon extract with warm water curbs unnecessary cravings also revving up your metabolism at the same time. Warm lemon water can help you in alkalizing your body and stabilizes the acid levels in your body.


4. Breakfast

6 Best Tips to Detox After Your Holidays

Make sure to have a healthy and wholesome breakfast prepared at home, every day. Being the first meal of the day, a proper breakfast gives you a kick-start. Skipping breakfast gives you hunger pangs later and messes up your digestion process.


5. Workout

6 Best Tips to Detox After Your Holidays

Start your day by caring for your body and mind. Make sure you get your body and mind ready for whatever is waiting for you throughout the day. A basic workout session coupled with a few minutes of meditation will work wonders.


6. Food and Sleep

6 Best Tips to Detox After Your Holidays

Having a lighter dinner and getting a minimum of 7 hours of sleep is very important. Make sure you have the last meal of your day at least two hours before you go to bed. This helps you get better sleep since your stomach is not overloaded.


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