5 Tricks to Avoid Bloating

Had a heavy meal and literally felt like you have already gained a few kilos? Known by the term bloating, it is actually the accumulation of gas in your stomach. Especially being held up at home, not being able to carry on with the daily commute, and regular exercises have further increased the occurrence of bloating. Thinking of ways to get rid of bloating? Read on and reduce your chances of bloating.
1) Avoid Carbonated Drinks
Do you have the habit of drinking sodas after a heavy meal? Yes, most of us have that habit! Sodas are not the actual helpers of digestion. Instead, these only give you a sense of bloating. Carbonated drinks result in carbon dioxide build-up in the body. Rather than taking sodas, stick to water.
2) Count Your Fiber Intake
While on a diet, you might be planning to crunch on only fibers. Rightly so, fibers are the best alternatives for the carby counterparts. But do you know? Excessive fiber intake can also lead to bloating. Therefore, when opting for a fiber diet, increase the amount gradually and not rapidly.
3) Restrict Fatty Foods
Had a good cheesy meal and felt like your stomach will burst? Yes, it is expected. Of the stumbling blocks fat intake has, bloating is one. This is due to the slow movement of the fats along the digestive tract. Avoid the consumption of fatty foods not only to reduce bloating but also to have a healthy body.
4) A Quick Walk
After a heavy meal, no one wants to go out for a walk and prefers to lie on the couches. Although treating your body with good sleep is all you wish for after a big treat, it does not help with bloating. Go for a short walk soon after a meal to reduce the chances of bloating. Walk with your loved one to make it more happening.
5) Eat Slowly
Gobbling your food to catch up for the time you overslept? It has become pretty standard in this hasty world. Get to know that this habit of eating rapidly can bring you bloating. Yes, when you scarf down food, you not only take in the food but also swallow air along with it. So, do take your time to eat and do not rush.
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