5 Things You Should Know Before Entering A Relationship

Relationships are not always based on beautiful flowers, surprises and dreamy meetings. It is supposed to be an emotional attachment where how you handle the rough days matter more than how you handle the happy moments. Here are a few necessary things you have to be ready for while taking the dive.
1. You are responsible for your happiness
Being in a relationship helps you get emotional stability and several other perks associated with it. But the fact remains that your relationship is not a solution to all your life’s problems. Your significant other can help you get through your life and compliment your emotions; it is up to you to steer your life in the right direction. You can turn to them for help but always make sure you are able to handle life yourself if necessary.
2. No two people are same
Do not expect your partner to be a replica of yourself in terms of perspectives, lifestyle and opinion. Every person is individualistic and that is what makes them special. Listen to each other and discuss the pros and cons of each decision before making them. Relationships are always based on give and take. Just because you don’t get your way once, it does not mean you can’t be happy about the decision.
3. No relationship is perfect
There is never a happily ever after. There is always going to be a speedbump here and a hurdle there. The ability to work your relationship through all these rough patches shows how committed you are in your relationship. Happiness is not special if it is ever-present. These rough patches and your resolve to move away from them builds a stronger bond. These will become cherished memories for later on.
4. It must not be painful
In a relationship, making your opinions heard is as important as making compromises. Always make sure your dignity and ethics stay high. A relationship is something where both of you are meant to be happy without abusing each other. You might have to accept the pain in a relationship sometimes but it never should be constant.
5. Do not overthink about anything
When in a relationship, never try to change what was in the past or predict what will be the future of your relationship. Everything is under your control only to a certain extent. Always remember each others expectation and try to work out a happier way to satisfy these expectations.
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