5 Myths About Varicose Veins

The uphill battle your leg veins face to take the blood to your heart is, at times, prevented by the valves and flaps present in the blood vessels. Pooling of blood causes your blood vessels to turn bulky, bluish, and twisty. Just like how common the condition is, the myths revolving around it are spilled everywhere on the web. Please do not fall for the fiction because we have debunked a few myths and have set right the facts for you.
Myth 1
Myth 1: Varicose Veins Are Solely Esthetic Concerns
Fact: Never a person likes their leg to have visible, bluish, and ropy veins, especially when their work has things to do with their appearance. Are varicose veins a concern only because of cosmetic issues? No. Despite the cosmetic concerns it poses, cramping, throbbing pain, and heaviness are associated with varicose veins. Also, they can bring about serious problems like leg ulcers and blood clots. Are you postponing your visit to the physician just because your varicose vein has not caused pain? Reach out before it causes irreversible damage.
Myth 2
Myth 2: Crossing Legs Causes Varicose Veins
Fact: Did you hear someone say that crossing legs can bring about varicose veins? It is just another myth. Many medical professionals have started believing this and are recommending that patients avoid cross legs. But the fact is that our leg veins are protected from pressure points during movements like kneeling, sitting, and crossing legs.
Myth 3
Myth 3: Varicose Veins Occur Only in Women
Fact: Varicose veins have always been stereotyped in women. Yes, women do share an increased risk due to hormonal changes during pregnancy and menopause that relax thin venous walls. But do you know, men can also get it? Men are not resistant to varicose veins. Do not be negligent just because you fall in the masculine gender and rightly follow the preventive measures.
Myth 4
Myth 4: Lifestyle Modifications Are of No Help in Varicose Veins
Fact: Once diagnosed with varicose veins, do not throw in the towel. Some simple lifestyle changes can prevent the varicose veins from worsening. Also, they can prevent their occurrence. If you are obese, try losing some pounds. Wear compression stockings, elevate your legs, and do calf-strengthening exercises. Follow these to improve or prevent varicose veins.
Myth 5
Myth 5: Treatment for Varicose Veins Is Painful
Fact: Stories about varicose vein treatment are pretty standard. Although once a reality, with technological advancement, it is now a misconception. Laser ablation surgeries and sclerotherapy have made varicose vein treatment less painful and uncomplicated. Do not be anxious about the treatment, and talk with your healthcare provider for the best treatment tailored for you.
If you already have varicose veins, contact your healthcare provider at the earliest. To prevent future varicose veins, do follow adequate preventive measures.
Content published on this website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical diagnosis, advice or treatment by a trained physician. Seek information from your physician or other qualified healthcare providers with questions you may have regarding your symptoms and medical condition for a complete medical diagnosis. Do not delay or disregard seeking professional medical advice because of something you have read on this website.