5 Must-Know Facts About COPD

Wondering what COPD is? COPD is an acronym for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disorder. Exposure to pollutants, tobacco smoke, and sometimes genetic reasons increases the risk of COPD. Here we have brought some must-know facts about COPD.
1) COPD Is Common
Not many people are aware of COPD. But do you know COPD is the fourth-most leading cause of death in the United States? It is only behind cardiac diseases, cancer, and stroke. Until it becomes nearly too late to treat, COPD remains tranquil. Therefore, it has an increased mortality rate.
2) Causes of COPD
Negligent about COPD because you are a non-smoker? Then, you are off beam. COPD is not only caused by smoking; even passive smoking, exposure to air pollutants, and family history can increase the chances of developing COPD. If you have any known risk factors, try to stay away from them and also get yourself screened adequately.
3) Exercise Improves COPD
Are you using COPD as an excuse to halt your regular exercises? But to your surprise, exercises only help in improving the condition. So, come out of your mistake and do not stick to these misconceptions that exercise is not possible with COPD. Consult your doctor before starting exercises. You can walk, ride a stationary bike, do yoga, etc.
4) Early Diagnosis Helps
Are you overlooking your shortness of breath as a sign of aging? Yes, shortness of breath is common with aging. But do not stereotype it to obesity and aging. When you have persistent shortness of breath that hinders your day-to-day activities, reach out to your healthcare provider. Early diagnosis is a significant key in providing better treatment. The earlier you diagnose COPD, the easier it is to treat it.
5) COPD Is Treatable
If you have heard that COPD is not treatable, it is not true because COPD is treatable but not curable. Getting the proper treatment and lifestyle modifications like avoiding smoking, doing regular exercises, and taking adequate care of your body gives a good prognosis. Always remember, treatment only helps in slowing down the damage but cannot cure the damage that has already occurred.
Do not lose hope because you have been diagnosed with COPD. Instead, try following adequate measures to slow down the progression. Talk with your pulmonologist about the treatment plan, strictly adhere to it, and preserve your breath.
Content published on this website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical diagnosis, advice or treatment by a trained physician. Seek information from your physician or other qualified healthcare providers with questions you may have regarding your symptoms and medical condition for a complete medical diagnosis. Do not delay or disregard seeking professional medical advice because of something you have read on this website.