4 Bone cancer symptoms

Cancer may affect any part of your body including your bones. Bone cancer is known as osteosarcoma in medical terms. It most commonly occurs in long bones like those in your limbs. There are several symptoms of bone cancer which you can detect in an early stage.
The following are the most common symptoms of bone cancer.
Unusual pain in the specific part of your bones is a very common sign of cancer. In the beginning, the pain might not be very consistent. The pain might worsen at night or if the specific part of your body is put to use continuously. Once cancer starts growing the pain might become consistent and starts getting worse with increasing physical activity.
This is a symptom that you might notice several weeks after cancer starts developing. Based on the tumor’s location, you might be able to feel a lump or a mass in the specific area. When cancer develops in your neck, you might start feeling a lump. This might lead to you having trouble breathing or make it hard for you to swallow.
Bone cancer might weaken your bones in the affected area. But it is not common for such areas to get fractured. Patients who suffer from a fracture caused due to a tumor in the bones say the area had been sore and they had been having sudden and severe pain in that area for the past few months.
4.Reduced movement
When cancer grows in the area of your bones closer to your joints it can result in the mobility getting affected. At times it can entirely affect the movements of a limb as a whole. If it is on any one of your limbs it even results in you starting to limp. In the worst case where a tumor develops on your spine, it can hinder one of your nerves and cause tingling, numbness or weakness in your limbs.
The above mentioned symptoms can mostly be the result of other conditions, which include arthritis and regular injuries. Make it a point to get yourself checked if you feel more that one of these symptoms are prolonging for an unsafe period. Discuss with your doctor to identify the right cause and follow the necessary treatment steps.