2023 Page 1: The Sober and Dry January

Do not be surprised if you see the happy hours emptier this month because most people have opted for the Dry January trend. Now, what is that, you may ask. It is a tradition where people abstain from alcohol for a month, and this propensity has gained popularity now. While it could be difficult to start up this new routine after the whole holiday season and parties, this practice surely has its benefits. Further into the topic…
1. What Is Dry January?
Simply put, Dry January is a one-month-long commitment to abstain from alcohol for the entire January to allow your body to reset. It encourages people to reduce or eliminate alcohol consumption while choosing a cleaner, healthier approach. Like New Year’s resolutions, Dry January begins on the first day of the new year, January 1st. The difference is that this goal has a set deadline of January 31st. You might not believe it, but this one detail makes all the difference. A goal with a deadline is found to be more achievable than a goal with none.
2. How Do We Take Part?
The rules of Dry January are straightforward: No alcohol from January 1 to January 31. Simple, right? Both yes and no. If you are serious about participating in Dry January 2023, we have got you. Here are a few tips:
Look at your calendar at the start of each week; on some days, you could see yourself inevitably being in a social situation where you will be tempted to drink alcohol. On that account, consider making alternatives to it. Another tip is to remove all alcoholic beverages from your home. When something is out of sight, it is out of mind. Finally, use the buddy system! If you have a friend or partner who is thinking about setting health goals for the new year, invite them to join you in a sober January.
3. Is That Safe After the Whole Drinking Season?
It is important to note that going completely sober after periods of excessive drinking can cause some Dry January symptoms. Some side effects may include tremors, anxiety, and light insomnia. Let me clarify something right away: Experiencing any of these symptoms does not imply that you have a drinking problem. Instead, the goal is to allow your body to detox and for you to evaluate the role that alcohol plays in your life.
4. So, What Are the Benefits?
So you want to go a month without drinking, but what is in it for you? As it turns out, quite a bit! Even if you consider making no other lifestyle changes, drinking fewer alcoholic beverages means consuming fewer calories, which means you will probably lose weight. Not to mention – no more drunk eating. Aside from that, you get better sleep, a better mood, eat less greasy food and perform better at work and the gym. Another added benefit of cost-cutting from the cocktails at parties.
The advantages of Dry January do not end there. Alcohol does not only affect the liver; it also affects your gut, stomach, and the rest of the digestive tract. Even your cardiovascular system suffers, as heart and lung performance deteriorates after a few drinks. But, well, the body’s restorative abilities are astounding. Give your body 31 days to recover after the stress of the holiday season; it can be transformative in setting yourself up for success throughout the rest of the new year. A happy, healthy year to you.